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Christopher Nolan
A team of explorers must find the human race a new home after Earth is struck with worldwide food shortages and corn is the most valuable food. Utilizing a mysterious wormhole, they explore strange new worlds and could find a home to save the human race

Rating - 8,7 / 10
writed by - Christopher Nolan, Jonathan Nolan

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Watch interstellar movie online hd quality free streaming. Watch interstellar movie online hd quality free movie. Watch Interstellar Movie Online HD Quality freem. 'Interstellar' – 8.5 out of 10 (give or take a point)
Christopher Nolan's latest work is so unlike anything else I've seen (at least in recent years) that I think it may need to be rated in its own little sphere of existence, outside of the rest of the cinematic universe.
The thing about 'Interstellar' is this: While it is, undoubtedly, a masterpiece I'm not sure how to put my feelings about it into words. It's now five days since I saw it and I'm not sure if I like it or love it. I know I don't hate it. Given the deafening silence with which the closing credits were met with in the cinema, I think that confusion is a pretty standard response.
To put it simply, if you don't like movies that make you think, give this one a miss. If, like me, you enjoy a piece of cinematic art that has you pondering everything from the origins of the universe, to your own place in it, to the future of humankind, to the possibilities of space travel, you must see this. At least once.
Nolan, the man responsible for such visionary films as 'Inception. Memento. The Prestige' and 'The Dark Knight' trilogy has, no doubt, delivered his greatest mind shag to date with 'Interstellar. It takes place in the near future where the Earth is, for lack of a better description, dying. The surviving remnants of the human race have all but given up on scientific and exploratory pursuits, for the simpler task of farming. World leaders have posted their entire hopes of survival on producing crops, an increasingly difficult pursuit due to the 'blight' which is gripping the planet.
Matthew McConaughey plays 'Cooper' a single father and former NASA pilot, engineer, and man of science, now devoted to cultivating corn. When he stumbles across the opportunity to pilot a space craft into deep space, in order to explore potentially habitable planets, he is forced to choose whether to attempt to save the human race at the expense of perhaps never seeing his children again. His relationship with his kids, in particular his daughter (a fellow lover of science and explorer at heart) is the axle on which the entire film spins.
McConughey is good in this, as is the rest of the cast, most notably Anne Hathaway and Michael Caine. But, there is no doubt that the real stars are the special effects team and the sound department. This is an assault on the senses. The visuals of space are the best I've seen.
The other thing I really like is that the science of space travel in this movie is authentic. I'm no physicist, but this is the type of film that has you reading up on the ideas it conjures, if you're so inclined. Nolan actually brought a theoretical physicist on board to ensure that the concepts used are both plausible and accurate. Black holes, space-time, worm holes. They're all here and they're all used in a fashion which does not leave the audience calling bullshit. Again, if such things interest you, get on board. If not, steer clear.
Writing this review has helped convince me that I do rate 'Interstellar' highly. Just how highly may depend on subsequent viewings. It is most definitely, however, a cinematic masterpiece. It is also, definitely, not for everyone.
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Watch interstellar movie online hd quality free software. Watch interstellar movie online hd quality free video. Watch interstellar movie online hd quality free movies. Watch Interstellar Movie Online HD Quality free mobile. Watch interstellar movie online hd quality free watch. Watch interstellar movie online hd quality free downloads. I don't get it. This movie annoyed me on so many levels. First of all, the producers should have hired a diction coach for the actors, or they hired the wrong one. If you are going to have dialog, no matter how inconsequential or banal, at least have the actors deliver the lines without sounding like they have a mouth full of marbles. Second, why all the noise? Really, some of it was an overwhelming clatter that added nothing to the film, almost as annoying a cacophony as that in the film Armageddon, a movie I intensely disliked. Third, I do not understand all the hype about the great musical score for this film. What? Again, like with the noise, the score was heavy-handed and way too loud. Sorry, but modern films that use methods and tools to excess to the point where the attention is drawn to the method or tool and away from the action fail to maintain the viewer's suspension of reality and consequently fail to entertain. The score should enhance the action and not compete with it. Obviously, current moviegoers don't mind having their emotions manipulated in such heavy-handed ways. Fourth, this film would have been much better with better character development and less melodrama. I wish this had been a better film and not a soap opera in space. And, fifth, some of the CGI was truly bad. I can't think of any film that used water in a convincing way. And this one failed at the CGI water scenes also. The editor must have known this, as the CGI water scenes were mercifully short.
I refrain from describing examples in the film where the above five items are particularly evident, as anything I might say could be considered a plot spoiler.

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